Weekly Photo Challenge – Focus

Kaua’i, Hawaii.

This week, David W. asks us to share our take on “focus”, in or out thereof. The obvious application of the challenge would be images that are either sharply in focus, or stylishly out of focus, both a factor of the combination of lens characteristics and camera settings. You can read the entire challenge post here.  Focus, by definition, has other meanings. A central point of attraction, attention, or activity. In physics, focus is a point at which rays of light meet after being refracted or reflected. One example of the latter is a rainbow where the reflection and refraction of light inside of water droplets create a spectrum of colors. In the image above, a very faint rainbow is visible in the clouds and haze of a rainstorm on the Na Pali Coast on the northwest end of the Hawaiian island of Kaua’i.

John Steiner


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