Happy New Year!

North Carolina Outer Bank Sunrise.

Emerald Isle, North Carolina.

We’ve been visiting with our son and daughter-in-law in Pittsboro, North Carolina after leaving Fargo for the winter on Boxing Day. In a few hours, we’ll be heading toward the Atlantic Ocean at Emerald Isle to spend a couple of weeks relaxing in a rental on the Atlantic Coast. This Travel Tuesday post is one day early so Lynn and I can wish you and yours a happy and productive new year.

John Steiner


  1. Happy New Year, John and family! You mentioned Boxing Day, that isn’t an American holiday as far as I know. I like it. 😂👍🏻

      • Right, you must be British! What would this country look like if we hadn’t defeated the British way back when…

      • I am not British. My ancestors from Luxembourg immigrated to the U.S. in the mid-1800s.
        I picked to feature Boxing Day because my Travel Tuesday post happened to fall on the British holiday. Many Americans, myself included, don’t know what it is about. I did some research to learn about it and share the info.

      • I am not British. My ancestors from Luxembourg immigrated to the U.S. in the mid-1800s.
        I chose to feature Boxing Day because my Travel Tuesday post happened to fall on the British holiday. Many Americans, myself included, don’t know what it is about. I did some research to learn about it and share the info. 🙂

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