Cellpic Sunday – 6 August 2017

Albuquerque, New Mexico.

In late June, regular readers may recall, Lynn and I went on a hot air balloon ride with several other family members at our family reunion. In addition to my usual collection of images from my Nikon camera, I collected a few from my cell phone. The image above is a photo of our landing area. The large, flat area used to be a golf course. The pilot told us the story of how the developer of the homes and golf course got into an issue over water. Of course, golf courses need a lot of water, and the bill for water in this desert community was more than they could bear. Unfortunately for the many residents who purchased and built new homes on the edge of the course (paying a premium for the privilege) now overlook a landscape that is quickly returning to high desert plains of New Mexico.

About the photo: The image was captured on my Samsung S7 cell phone. I used an HDR application to bring out the definition and sharpness. The rule for Cellpic Sunday is simple. The image must be captured on a mobile device.

John Steiner


  1. Haha there’s a development out here like that. The developer made all sorts of promises, the lots started to go in & they wouldn’t sell for as much as the developer believed they would. The developer turned tail and fled. The few people who bought lots, don’t have water etc… etc… They’re trying to auction off the lots…. G’luck with that.

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